General Management


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Structure Company Group

Organization Structure

PT LOTTE CHEMICAL TITAN TBK : President Director(Yoon Sungku),  Independent Director/Corporate Secretary - President Director(Yoon Sungku) - Head of Commercial(Sales
General Manager), Manufacturing Director(Deputy Manufacturing Director, Operation Director(Production & Tech General Manager, Maintenance General Manager), Corporate Services Director(Procurement & HSE General Manager, WH,IT & Store General Manager)), Finance Director(Accounting General Manager, Finance General Manager), Head of Internal Auditor, Legal Advisor, HRD & GA General Manager

Status of Corporate Governance

PT LOTTE CHEMICAL TITAN TBK is striving to promote balanced rights and interests between stakeholders such as shareholders, customers, employees, and community, and an the operation of an independent board of directors and transparent, responsible management by professional managers based on ethical management.

Enhancing Shareholder Value

Striving to enhance shareholders value through continued profit generation, respecting shareholders’ rights to know by issuing regular reports, or promptly providing accurate information on other important matters regarding management.

Status of Voting Rights Exercised at Regular Shareholders’ Meetings (June 11th, 2021) for the financial year 2020.

Accrued Number of Shares Number of Shares with
Voting Right
Number of Shares with
Voting Rights Exercised
5,566,414,000 5.149.664.960 5.149.664.960

Code of Best Practice for Corporate Governance

  • The Company is committed to the conduct of all of its business activity according to the Good Corporate Governance with the principles of transparency, accountability, responsibility, independency and fairness embodied in the formulation of the code of ethics of the Company.
  • We also comply and abide with the Corporate Governance Principles issued by Regulators, including OJK (Financial Services Authority), Indonesia Stock Exchange and other relevant body.